With 16 team and individual sports on display, get ready to be inspired!
The 2026 Special Olympics USA Games will feature 16 sports at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and the National Sports Center in Blaine. For the first time in USA Games history, the sports of Cornhole and Pickleball will be making their official debut! With more than 3,000 Special Olympics and Unified athletes and a near equal male/female participation ratio, these competitions promise to be one of the best ever! Click below to read more about the sports and venues, and stay tuned for more thrilling announcements as we continue to reveal the lineup of sports and corresponding venues in the coming months. For a comprehensive look at each sport and its designated venue, be sure to return to this page following each announcement.

It will be our distinct privilege as our state’s flagship university to host Special Olympics athletes, their families, and their supporters from around the globe on our University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus. The U of M and USA Games share a common commitment to values that celebrate equity, inclusivity, and the spirit of community. With great excitement we look forward to June 2026 and the chance to play our part in supporting one of the world’s truly extraordinary events.