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Mary Horwath

Chief Marketing Officer

Mary Horwath serves as the Chief Marketing Officer for the 2026 Special Olympics USA Games. With more than 35 years in the sports business, Mary is perhaps best known for her achievements at Rollerblade Inc., transforming a small hockey training product into a $100M+ global sports phenomenon. Her work is truly in a league of its own!

In addition to earning widespread acclaim as an Ad Age Top 100 Marketer, Mary has worked with dozens of consumer sports brands including such notable ones as the NBA, Polaris, Shock Doctor, and the U.S. Freestyle Ski Team (where she was the first woman program director). Her passion for sharing truthful, inspiring stories led her to the 2026 USA Games team, and she cannot wait to accelerate momentum around the inclusion movement.

My hopes and dreams for the 2026 Special Olympics USA Games are to attract and engage many new individuals to Special Olympics and the inclusion movement—and that they be markedly transformed by the experience.

Mary is dedicated to helping athletes achieve their dreams and finds inspiration in Special Olympics’ powerful athlete oath. She is grateful for the privilege to contribute her expertise while learning from this amazing community. She hopes to attract and engage many new individuals to Special Olympics, leaving a lasting impact on their lives through inclusion.

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