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Greg Epperson

Regional President and Managing Director, Special Olympics North America
2026 USA Games Board Member

As the regional president and managing director of Special Olympics North America, Greg Epperson has been involved with every USA Games event since the movement began in 2006. His connection to Special Olympics spans over three decades, beginning with his volunteer work as a coach in 1986 and evolving into various impactful roles within the organization. Most recently, he served as the Vice President of Sports for Special Olympics North America, demonstrating his deep commitment to the mission.

My hopes and dreams for the 2026 Special Olympics USA Games are that they can continue to build off the successes of those who came before us, creating a legacy not only for Special Olympics Minnesota, but the entire global movement.

Looking ahead to 2026, Greg dreams of building upon the successes of past events to ensure that the USA Games in Minnesota will be as successful as ever. With a keen understanding of the organization and its mission, he looks forward to ensuring the 2026 Special Olympics USA Games leave a lasting legacy nationwide and beyond. Armed with his wealth of experience and unwavering passion, Greg stands as a beacon of leadership, working to ensure that the spirit of inclusion and empowerment continues to thrive within the Special Olympics community.

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